Learning outcomes – firearm hunting essentials
Completion requirements
Our firearm hunting essentials certificate is proof that you can do all of this! If you've got your certificate, give yourself a pat on the back. It's something to be proud of.
Hunting Essentials:
- Using maps
- Recognise and reference the main features of a Topo50 map
- Describe handrails and how to use them to help plan hunting
- Confidently use map grid references
- Estimate walking time on different terrain
- Find more map support and resources.
- Using a compass
- Differentiate between grid north and magnetic north
- Turn a map to face north in real life
- Find bearings on a map and follow them in reality
- Find back bearings from landmarks and plot them on maps
- Do a resection to find your position
- Avoid common mistakes that reduce accuracy with compass navigation.
- Nav communications and technology
- Identify different options for radio, GPS, phone and satellite comms devices and their benefits and drawbacks
- Describe properties and limitations of GPS on phones and devices
- Identify where to get the best signal for devices
- Explain what airplane mode does, and the importance of caching/loading maps
- Identify useful functions of phone and GPS device nav apps
- Describe ways hunters often use satellite communications
- Find apps and resources to get practical with phone apps.
- River safety for hunters
- Describe the benefits of learning about your rivers
- Describe the risks for hunters when crossing rivers
- Identify what to consider before crossing a river
- Explain how to cross safely solo and as a group
- Explain what to do if you get stuck or washed away
- Find more courses and information.
- Describe the benefits of learning about your rivers
- Making good fires
- Set up fires that minimise the risk of spread in the backcountry
- Identify good lighting and tinder options
- Explain where to find dry wood in the wet
- Avoid common mistakes hunters make that risk wildfires
- Find fire risk statuses before heading out
- Describe the requirements for fires on public land.
- Set up fires that minimise the risk of spread in the backcountry
- Backcountry first aid
- Identify common backcountry injuries, and ways to avoid or handle them
- Identify what to take in a first aid kit
- Find and prepare ‘as you need it’ advice and guidance
- Describe what PLBs are and make good usage decisions.
- Survival
- Explain the importance of a good survival kit
- Identify items to include in your survival kit
- Explain the importance of having your survival kit on your person at all times
- Make good decisions on when to bed down for a night unexpectedly
- Make good decisions around survival site selection and building shelters
- Explain the importance of emergency contacts and shared trip plans, and find tools to help write those
- Explain how to help rescuers find you, signal and communicate.
- Taking the right gear
- Categorise between must-have and nice-to-have gear to take hunting
- Explain the importance of layering
- Identify special features of hunting gear
- Describe how deer can’t see blaze and the safety benefits
- Identify common foods people take hunting
- Identify different ways hunters do 'day bags' and what you might want to carry.
- Accessing hunting areas
- Explain why it's important to follow land access rules (and the negative impacts on all hunters when even one of us doesn't)
- Make good decisions inline with the outdoor access code
- Describe your responsibilities and what you can and can’t do when carrying a firearm on different land types
- Make decisions aligned with best practice when faced with common land-access challenges and situations
- Get a hunting permit for public conservation land
- Use websites to find hunting permissible public land
- Identify other ways to gain access to hunting land
- Describe what you can do to improve the odds of more and better land access in future.
- Weather forecasting
- Describe the importance of hunting into the wind
- Identify common weather-forecasting websites and tools
- Describe what highs and lows are and what they mean for weather
- Estimate likely local weather patterns based upon forecasts and topography
- Explain how catabatic flow works and what this means for hunting decisions
- Describe how game animals tend to behave in different weather.
- How to hunt
- Describe four main ways to hunt mountainous New Zealand bush
- Identify broad behavioural tendencies of game animals and how that can inform your hunting decisions
- Describe good practice hunting techniques
- Recognise some game sign and estimate ‘freshness’
- Use reference tools to figure out where good hunting opportunities are.
- Situational awareness
- Explain the benefits being situationally aware can provide to hunting
- Consider common aspects of situational awareness in hunting
- Consider situational awareness as it relates to game behaviour
- Use situational awareness to plan ahead and minimise risk
- Respond appropriately to common personal and group situational risk factors
- Make the best call in common and realistic situational risk situations.
- Consider reflective thinking techniques to improve hunting trips in future.
- Knives
- Identify types of knife used for hunting and related activities.
- Identify how to hold and use a knife to avoid cutting yourself and others
- Explain first aid procedures for knife wounds
- Explain how to carry & store knives safely in the field and in public
- Describe different ways to hone and sharpen knives
- Explain how to maintain good knives.
- Meat safety
- Find out about poison drops and risks in your hunting areas
- Explain the use of caution periods and buffer zones
- Identify who you can and can't share wild meat with
- Identify ways to avoid meat contamination and spoilage
- Describe best practice for transporting game meat on and in vehicles
- Identify signs of disease or contamination
- Identify symptoms of consuming bad meat and what to do about it.
- Meat processing and carry out (field dressing)
- Describe different ways to process hunted game
- Consider meat recovery with a conservation and sustainability perspective
- Identify the critical meat-safety steps in field dressing game
- Organise field dressing steps into the correct order
- Identify helpful tricks and tips to make field dressing safer and easier
- Identify ways to carry game
- Find and load reference resources for offline use in the field.
- Game animal management
- Describe what game animal management is
- Identify the benefits of game animal management
- Explain why game animal management principles are important for the future of hunting
- Address the perceived downsides of a game animal management methodology
- Identify, by forest and animals, the health of a forest and which game to take accordingly
- Explain how to share this with other hunters
- Find more information.
- Hunting ethics
- Describe the concepts of kaitiakitanga, guardianship and sustainability and what that means for the backcountry
- Explain what sentience is, and the importance of fast, effective killing of game animals
- Describe ways some different cultures choose to honour game animals before, during and after hunting
- Identify common legal and ethical restrictions for hunting
- Make the ethical decision in common ethically challenging hunting situations
- Make good decisions based upon the Outdoor Access Code
- Find the Codes of Conduct for New Zealand hunting associations and organisations.
- Our backcountry community
- Explain how the perceptions of hunters and hunting from other backcountry users can be very damaging (if negative) and helpful (if positive) for hunters
- Identify some of the core things you can do as a hunter to contribute to the backcountry and build positive relationships
- Identify common ettiquette and behavioural mistakes hunters can make and how to avoid them
- Navigate ways to encourage smarter behaviour from hunting friends and colleagues.
- Explain how the perceptions of hunters and hunting from other backcountry users can be very damaging (if negative) and helpful (if positive) for hunters
Firearm Essentials:
Having completed the firearm essentials course, you'll be able to:
- Firearm selection, parts and build
- Recall key firearm part and purchasing knowledge from the FSA Firearm Safety Code
- Identify common firearms and calibres used in big game hunting
- Identify the correct ‘view’ in a scope and how to set up your rifle to get that more consistently
- Explain the purpose and competent use of key peripherals
- Describe key rifle fit/sizing considerations and rules of thumb
- Identify what to look for in a second hand rifle
- Identify when to update the Firearms Registry
- Describe the postage / purchasing process for firearms and ammunition.
- Sighting in your rifle
- Explain the benefits and importance of correctly zeroing your rifle
- Identify where you can zero in your rifle and identify the safety precautions to take when not at a range
- Identify the key equipment needed for zeroing
- Describe key sighting and ballistics terms
- Describe how to bore-sight a rifle
- Describe the considerations you may wish to take to sight in at distances beyond 100m
- Explain how to zero your rifle
- Find further ballistics tools and resources.
- Firearm maintenance
- Identify and use the gear needed for basic rifle maintenance
- Explain how the two main types of fouling occur in rifle bores
- Describe the properties of the different metals involved in bore fouling and how that relates to cleaning tool selection and use
- Perform the steps to do a basic clean on a rifle
- Identify tools and tips to keep a clean rifle in the field
- Oil a rifle to prevent degradation while in storage
- Consider fouling shots for accurate shooting after cleaning.
- Storage and transport
- Explain why safe firearm storage is so important
- Identify methods to make your firearms safe at home, in transport and while hunting
- Explain how to safely store firearms at home in line with legal requirements
- Make calls around transporting firearms in vehicles that are best practice and legal
- Explain how to use public transport (planes, ferries..) with firearms
- Find more resources and guidance.
- Firearm safety for hunters
- Contextualise the seven firearm safety rules in hunting contexts
- Describe the kinds of incidents that can occur when firearm safety rules are neglected
- Correctly match states of readiness to hunting situations
- Describe common risk moments for hunters and how to lower the risk.
- Hunting with others
- Describe ways to hunt with friends/as a group
- Identify the critical communication aspects to all group hunting
- Identify the risks involved in group hunting
- Describe key safety approaches to different types of group hunting
- Describe options for when hunters don’t get back to camp
- Plan hunting areas and communication plans for hunting individually in shared country.
- Firearm technique
- Explain where and how to practice shooting techniques safely
- Correctly identify best practice firing fundamentals
- Identify best practice in each of the key firing positions, and identify their pros and cons
- Describe best practice for makeshift firing stands
- Explore other tips and tricks.
- Night hunting
- Explain why night hunting is an effective and efficient hunting method
- Identify where you can hunt at night
- Describe different night-hunting technologies, their benefits and performance/safety limitations
- Respond well to identified differences and challenges in night hunting vs day hunting
- Apply the firearm safety rules in a night hunting context
- Describe the best practice for a typical night hunting trip at each stage of the process
- Identify and respond to the most common night hunting risks.
- Explain why night hunting is an effective and efficient hunting method
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