FAQ / Support

We want Better Hunting as easy to use as possible. If you have any struggles or it takes a while to figure something out, please let us know so we can improve the experience for others.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
We're new. Please ask your questions - we'll answer any common themed ones here as we go.
- There's missing option text in a quiz
Some phone and browser dark mode combinations (primarily Samsung and Samsung Internet) can change elements of Better Hunting to be 'white on white' (invisible). Try turning dark mode off or using another browser. If you continue to have problems please let us know so we can investigate. - Can you (admin) edit or delete my profile?
Yes, but so can you! Access your profile through the roundel with your initials on it in the top right. When logged in you can edit your profile information or request an automatic account deletion. - I never received my confirmation email so I can't log in
First, check your spam and junk folders. If you don't get it after about 10 minutes, try signing-up again to ensure you spelled your email correctly. If there's no victory, let us know using our support form and we'll manually sort you out. We'll do this as a priority but it won't be instant. - Course enrolments and Guest access
Our Essentials courses automatically enrol you when you first log in to Better Hunting. This may be required to view functions like the Intentions form.
There are other courses that require enrolment to view and complete them. If you find a course offers self-enrolment with an enrolment key, contact the relevant organiser for the key; it's a one-time password.
Some courses allow access as a 'Guest'. If you aren't already logged in with a Better Hunting account you will be automatically 'enrolled as a guest' on those, however as a guest you will have no progress recorded.
Contact a human Better Hunting administrator via the support form.
Mobile app
Better Hunting is an instance of Moodle. Better Hunting courses can be accessed via the official Moodle app. Download the app and you can scan the QR in your profile to log in. With the app you can download courses for offline use - great for commutes, the bach or in the hills! Note many of Better Hunting's ancillary functions are currently not enabled in the app. Watch our walkthrough video on installing the app and downloading courses.
User tours
Re-visit the user tours that popped over everything the first time you logged in. It's all useful information, but often a bit much when you're first visiting.
To reset a tour, select the floating questionmark in the bottom right on desktop, or the 'Reset user tour on this page' footer link on mobile. If there's no option to reset it, there's no tour there.